Greetings friends:
I'm happy to inform you of the latest news for myelashCurler® ! As many of you may be aware, this past March, I have completed a product demo video which is on YouTube.
Over these past few months I've been submitting query letters which has resulted in my having mailed two sample prototypes to one of my favorite brands. I'm praying they do not have to use my pre-paid UPS return label for mailing back my rejected prototypes, which will mean that they are interested in myelashCurler®. YAY!
I've also followed up and hope to have more information from this amazing brand within a few weeks. This has been a very long process for me. As you can imagine, years, months, days of perseverance. The major takeaways for me from my experience keep going back to three key attributes - Persistence, Enthusiasm and Patience (easy to remember, just think of this 3-letter word that means lively and energetic - PEP)
I'm happy to inform you of the latest news for myelashCurler® ! As many of you may be aware, this past March, I have completed a product demo video which is on YouTube.
Over these past few months I've been submitting query letters which has resulted in my having mailed two sample prototypes to one of my favorite brands. I'm praying they do not have to use my pre-paid UPS return label for mailing back my rejected prototypes, which will mean that they are interested in myelashCurler®. YAY!
I've also followed up and hope to have more information from this amazing brand within a few weeks. This has been a very long process for me. As you can imagine, years, months, days of perseverance. The major takeaways for me from my experience keep going back to three key attributes - Persistence, Enthusiasm and Patience (easy to remember, just think of this 3-letter word that means lively and energetic - PEP)
In the meantime, enjoy this video about myelashCurler®, the newly designed, eye-opening, ergonomic eyelash curler and share with your social media networks? Thank you!
Thanks for staying tuned and I'm hoping to post more information in the very near future.
Happy eyelash curling,
Gloria Buono-Daly
Inventor, myelashCurler
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